Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's All Your Fault

As a follow-up to my Apple's Stupidity blog entry, check out this ridiculous claim from Apple. Even if this is true, it's all your fault Apple. You made a fantastic phone and limited it to one, lousy wireless network. Therefore, you should have known that hackers would figure out a way to get around it. If the "jailbreaked" iPhones really could cause a problem then I say it's all your fault, Apple.

Oh, and I'm a Verizon customer, so if a hacker brings down the AT&T network, this guy could careless.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Apple's Stupidity

First things first. Apple makes some beautiful, extremely innovating products. Their computers are slim, sexy and powerful. Their iPod's revolutionized the music industry. The iPhone and iPod Touch have created a touch screen trend which is forcing all competitors to play catch up. In this world of innovation, however, Apple has made some very poor decisions in my opinion.

The only place that Apple has gone right is with the iPod and iPod Touch. These devices are incredible. While the price is still relatively high compared to its MP3 player competitors, no other device offers the functionality and flexibility than that of the iPod. I own an iPod Touch and love it! My only beef with the Touch.....having to pay for the software updates! That is ridiculous in my opinion, but that's an argument for another day. Onward...

Mistake #1 -- Who is Apple targeting with their computers? Are they really trying to compete or are they going after a niche market. Like I mentioned previously, their computers are great, but who in the hell is pricing these things? I understand that Windows Vista is awful. I understand that PC's and Windows based products are more vulnerable to hacking, viruses and worms. However, for the average computer user in this country, Apple computers aren't even considered as an option. I could walk into Best Buy right now and buy a HP laptop with a dual-core processor, 4 GB of memory and 320 GB hard drive (among other things) for $585. Look at the laptops that Apple offers by comparison. Specifically, look at the price vs. features noted above. What person wants to spend an extra $1,000 to get a laptop with similar features? Certainly not your average American.

Mistake #2 -- I sure hope that AT&T is paying Apple LOTS of money for their exclusivity agreement surrounding the iPhone. This deal has been fabulous for AT&T, a great business decision, but what was Apple thinking with this one? T-Mobile customers have the fortunate ability to hack the iPhone to use it on their network. Customers of Sprint, Verizon and the rest of US cell service providers are stuck. Sure, the appeal of the iPhone has encouraged many people to switch carriers, but that's not always convenient. Contract cancellation fees are outrageous if you bow out early. If you can't wait for that 2-year contract to expire, you'll be paying 1) cancellation fees, 2) the high price for the iPhone itself and 3) the iPhone plan price (which for what you get, far exceeds any other plan).

I'm a very satisfied Verizon customer. Verizon has been easy to deal with , reliable and fair priced. I'm not interested in switching carriers despite my heavy interest in the iPhone. Nearly all my friends and family have Verizon so I have the enormous benefit of free Verizon to Verizon minutes/texting. It allows me to opt for a cheaper plan, saving me money. That would go away if I switched carriers. Granted, I'm only one customer, but I absolutely guarantee you that there are throngs of Verizon and Sprint customers who would already own an iPhone if it wasn't for Apple's bone-headed business decision to be AT&T exclusive.

Unless the price of Apple computers comes way down, then I won't be considering an Apple the next time I'm computer shopping. And I sure hope that when the iPhone exclusivity contract expires next year, Apple decides to expand their iPhone to other cell carriors. If not, LG and RIM will be my cell phone companies of choice.

It seems to me that Apple is extremely innovative and tech savvy. As far as business savvy, not so much.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Looking for a Party?

...Then head to my alma mater. The Princeton Review named Penn State the top party school in the country this year. I'm not sure whether to be proud, ashamed or a little of both. I'll say proud. My years at Penn State were the best of my life!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Top Paying Majors

In the linked article from Yahoo! News, you'll see that my college major ranks in the top 15 in best paying jobs out of college. Not bad. As the article points out, all the top 15 fields have mathematics as the common thread. Only 3 of the 15 majors don't contain the word "engineering".

For all those kids out there, I know you may hate calculus. You may always ask when will I need this and all those common cliches. Well, this chart shows that mathematics is the key to several important, high demand fields. Focus on your math skills when you're young and you'll be paid cash dividends, literally.

Forget history. Forget liberal arts. Forget marketing. Learn to love integrals! :)


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Legalize Grass?

That's what is currently being proposed in California in an effort to bridge the massive $26.3 billion budget deficit. California tax officials estimate the bill's passage will generate approximately $1.4 billion for the state (I'm assuming annually). Personally, I don't see much of a problem in this proposal. I'll give you a couple reasons why I think this is a good proposal and why that $1.4 billion number is on the low side.

First and foremost, people call weed the gateway drug. In my opinion, the "gateway" to harder stuff is correlated to the caliber person you are buying from. Most drug dealers aren't exactly top rate citizens. Their goal is to make money by any means necessary. If you were able to buy pot from the local corner store, I say the likelihood of becoming associated with drug dealers, thus the likelihood or trying heavier drugs, is much lower. Therefore, more people may smoke grass as a result of this bill, but I believe less people will engage in other more addictive, more dangerous drugs.

That last statement moves into my next point. Some people may say, "Isn't more people smoking weed a bad thing?" While I'm not going to argue that it's a plus for society, I urge you to think about alcohol. Alcohol is available everywhere and is used much more frequently per capita than that of marijuana. Why do I make this point? Because the effects of cannabis are nothing compared to alcohol. Nothing. It's not as big a deal as some make it out to be.

My third point involves the direct income that legalizing the plant would create. In the linked article below from Yahoo! News, the plan is to sell 1 ounce for $50. Let's just say the current street value is much higher, leaving room for price increases. Although, I concede that price increases may not work based on the fundamental principle of economics, supply and demand. If pot is legalized, expect home grow operations to increase.

My final point is two fold. First, one has to consider the drug trade. The gang capital of the world is found in southern California. These gang members don't exactly have legitimate jobs. Their income comes from drug trafficking and dealing. Marijuana is always a cash crop for these gangs (just watch "Gangland" on the History Channel if you have doubts). Legalize pot and take away a huge source of income from some of the most violent and notorious gangs in the country. Furthermore, anyone following the news recently would know about the massive drug war going on in Mexico. The drug cartels are battling the authorities as the US and Mexican governments are trying to slow the drug trade. As I mentioned before, marijuana is a cash crop for the Mexican drug cartels. Legalization could help slow their operation. The second part of my final point involves the law enforcement costs associated with policing marijuana. This would be an indirect function of legalization. The state and local authorities will save millions of dollars as a result of the bill. Therefore, expect the combination of income and cost savings from the bill to far exceed the proposed $1.4 billion.

This is not an easy decision and I understand the hesitation. Legalizing pot would alter a long standing policy in the United States. However, I believe the benefits could outweigh the costs. Something to think about.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Al-Qaida on the Run?

Sure seems like it after their number 2, Ayman al-Zawahri, called on Pakistanis to join the fight against the US. Sounds to me like Al-Qaida is a bit scared of advances by the coalition and the Pakistani military. I take al-Zawahri's recent audio message as a sign of weakness. That's the last thing al-Qaida needs as they fight the best military in the world.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Would you Agree?

Would you agree that the state of America right now is frail? Would you agree that America's economic state is the worst since the Great Depression? Would you agree that we are fighting multiple wars right now while trying to repair the US image throughout the world? Would you agree that are so-called leaders need to focus on such issues? I believe all of the above is very reasonable. Would you agree? If so, continue reading. Otherwise, leave my blog and never return.

Why is Capitol Hill talking about Michael Jackson? Aren't there more pressing things to discuss? I get infuriated when I see stuff like this. Congress has no reason to discuss anything associated with Michael Jackson. None! How about you work on fixing the issues in this country before you talk about the death of one man who has absolutely no hand in what is happening.

Listen, I'm a fan of Michael Jackson, but the coverage on him over the past two weeks is out of control. It's so out of control that Congress is now talking about him. WHY!?! Please stop it. Now.

My Alma Mater Lifts for Life

The football team of my Alma Mater, the Penn State Nittany Lions, is lifting for life today in Happy Valley. This is a great philanthropic event that has gained momentum in recent years. PSU started the tradition 6 years ago by trying to raise money for cancer research at the university. Since then, PSU helped found an organization called Uplifting Athletes, which several other universities across the country have joined, including Boston College and Ohio State University. Uplifting Athletes works with college football programs to raise money for rare diseases.

Last year, Penn State's lift for life raised $70,000.

Here are a couple links to check out.

Hypocracy at its Finest

I really wish Levi Johnston (the one who knocked up Bristol Palin) would just keep his mouth shut and go back to being a teenager. This guy has nothing to offer the world except the ability to stir up controversy, which is not needed. In the linked article from Yahoo! News, Johnston claims that former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin resigned to cash in on the fame she has received in the past year. Where do you get that intel from Levi? If you don't have any evidence, why would you make such accusations? Get over yourself.

What's ironic about this whole situation is the fact he thinks Ms. Palin is trying to cash in on fame. Think about it. You sir, are the ultimate hypocrite.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Close Gitmo? Seriously Barack?

Read the story linked below...

This pisses me off beyond belief. These terrorists were detained at Gitmo for this very reason. They have been and remain a threat not only to our troops, but to American security. I was just waiting to hear news like this when I learned that President Obama was planning to close Gitmo. Even though the above referenced enemy combatant was released on Bush's watch, make no mistake about it...this will not be the last time a story like this hits the news. Any enemy combatant detained and released will, you guessed it, join right back into the fight against this great country.

The closing of Gitmo is only going to increase stories of this nature.

What Are We Waiting For?

North Korea needs to be taught a lesson. I came into work this morning and saw news that several US and South Korea websites had been hacked and/or disrupted by what seems to be an organized cyber attack. Of course, North Korea is suspectedly behind the attack. If the allegations are true, this would just be the latest in a series of events committed by the North that warrants punishment. On Independence Day, the North test fired at least seven short range missiles off its eastern coast. That is in violation of several sanctions by the UN Security Council.

And speaking of the sanctions, who actually thinks they will work? What is the punishment? As far as I can tell, the only punishment I have seen is the UN Security Council "condemning" North Korea for their actions. Wow, condemn the North? That'll stop them. I understand that war and military action should be the last resort, but what is the world waiting for? Are they waiting for the North to sell weapons grade plutonium or enriched uranium to worldwide terrorists? Are they waiting for the North to bomb Japan or South Korea?

North Korea is making a mockery of the UN Security Council by defying every sanction they put on the table. In fact, the sanctions seem to be causing an increase in disruptive behavior by the rogue state. It's time for the world to take action. It's time for North Korea to be taught a lesson once and for all. It's time for the UN Security Council to grow a set and authorize stiffer penalties on the North for breaking international law. I only hope they figure this out before the North strikes first.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hussein Lied About WMD's

Interesting story from this morning. It goes into detail about how FBI interviews revealed that former Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein, lied about having weapons of mass destruction for fear of Iran. The reports state that Hussein feared Iran and claimed that US was not Iraq's enemy, he just opposed US policies.

I'm not quite sure what to think about this. If Hussein was speaking the truth, I have to wonder what he was thinking. He had two options -- 1) refuse to let UN weapons inspectors to come into Iraq, which ultimately caused the US and British invasion, or 2) allow the UN inspectors, prove you have no WMD's, stop the US invasion and "appear" weak to Iran . Seems to me he chose the hard road.

George Piro, the FBI agent who conducted the interviews of Hussein says, "The threat from Iran was the major factor as to why he did not allow the return of U.N. inspectors. Hussein stated he was more concerned about Iran discovering Iraq's weaknesses and vulnerabilities than the repercussions of the United States for his refusal to allow U.N. inspectors back into Iraq." With all due respect to Hussein, but that is ridiculous. The most powerful military in the world threatens your country if you don't allow these UN inspectors to roam free and you essentially say that you're not worried about it. This is especially mind boggling considered Hussein claimed to be prepared seek a security agreement with the US to protect Iraq from Tehran's "fanatic" leaders. Again, I think you took the wrong path Saddam.

It's hard to know for sure if Hussein was speaking the full truth, especially when considering the options that he had. To fear Iran more than the United States is just crazy talk. I'd like to think that the US would have offered some assistance with Iran if Hussein would have cooperated with UN sanctions. Guess we'll never know.
